Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ai-Hsin Orphanage

"Defend the oppressed. 
Take up the cause of the fatherless" Isaiah 1:17

(Note: I'll try to keep this post shorter than the previous).
Top Highlights from July 16th

1). Jennifer Ay-yi was using the bathroom in the MTR Station. Instead of pressing flush, she apparently hit the secuirty button instead. We all thought some creep (or Dylan haha) had ran into the ladies' room. Secuirty ended up going into the restroom with a siren and red lights flashing.
Relaxed Uncle Ricky?

2). Uncle Ricky's Advertisement. It's kinda self-explaintory. See the Red Billboard.(ok, so among our team, there's conterversory about whether its actual Uncle Ricky. You make the call.)

3). This is the big one: going to the Mustard Seed Orphanage. The actual orphanage is actually pretty nice. It's safe to say that these kids aren't living in 3rd world condition. Obviously, they aren't as comfortable as us living in America, but they're enviornment is pretty good.
Kitchen at the Orphanage
After about an hour long orentiation (tour of the campus and history of the orphange), we got to go into the houses. The rooming was divided by age and gender. So I'm assigned to Home of Faith, which is the house for the high school boys. From what I heard, the younger kids were pretty excited and were actively enagaging. Our house, well... The teacher that is in charge of the house said that the only things the boys liked to do was reading comics and using the computer (great.) Anyways, the house was pretty quiet. On the brightside, there was one boy who enjoyed music and dancing (yes, we better get him to talk to Johnathan.) However, he also liked to talk about cell phones and technology and we spent an hour talking about the perks of iOS and Android. The downside, half of the house was still sleeping (we came at 11:00am) and one of the boys got in an arguement with the teacher over his chores. Anyways, I think these guys will be a challenge. As the day progressed however, more of the kids loosened up and were more talkative. Actually, the younger boys are more violent than the older ones as they're prone to get into fights. Stay tuned on this one.

4).When we got home, us kids decided to wind down a bit. So we decided to start our own dance club, but that's our secret...

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