Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here at the Wall

This trip has been lots of been. Talking with the kids is a blast. Playing ball with the boys is something I look forward to. Dancing with the kids is fun as well. Painting the wall? Ehhhh. It's really not that fun. It's hard work to crouch for ten minutes and scrape off moss from the wall. It's not fun to mix paint (which smells weird). And it's not fun to paint the wall while other kids are playing ball. It takes discipline to buckle down and get to work. Our kids working however, wasn't the only problem. Another big problem was the kids working. I mean, they were all hype to paint the wall, but  they're still kids. Haha, kids who don't understand that using too much paint means dripping paint (not to mention a waste of the paint we already mixed.) But I'm proud of our team. I'm proud because we pulled through. We came through on our promise of painting their walls, even when they asked us to paint additional ones. I'm glad that our team came together accomplished our goal. An added bonus: the newspaper came and did an article on us. Yeah, I was in a newspaper!! I think its cool that Ai-Hsin is getting some publicity and, well, I just think its cool that we got into the paper. Anyways, I gotta say, the walls look pretty good. 

Doin' Work
In the Paper! 

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