Saturday, July 28, 2012


Throughout the our time here at Ai-Hsin, we have sang a lot o songs for VBS. Some of them were in Chinese and some of them in English. All of the songs however, were taught by us. Yesterday though, the kids sang a song for us. The songs called 雲上太陽 ( Sun Above the Clouds.)  When they had sung the chorus the first time, I told myself that this was special. Goosebumps. Chills. You could feel the energy and power that they sang with. And it was all of the kids that sang; not just the girls, not just the little kids. All of the kids. Every time they got to the小雨part, the decibels would just shoot to the sky. Uncle Ricky said that it was the sounds of angels singing. He has only cried after listening a song two times. That was one of them. Certainly one of most memorable, heart warming moments of the trip. Oh yeah, and I also found my favorite VBS song.

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