Thursday, July 26, 2012

Water Parking

I'll be honest, I don't think I've been to a water park since I went to Wild Waves in 7th grade. I guess I had forgotten how much fun a water slide could be. Forgotten the thrill of cooling off in 90°F  weather by jumping in a cool pool. Forgotten feeling the warm sun shine on my skin. (Speaking of sun, nearly all of us looked red after the trip. It's okay Mom, I didn't get burned at all. Really, I wasn't red at all. It's because I was applying sunscreen every hour and listening to the kids says "你好白". Thanks (I guess they forgot what we told them about Seattle weather; whatever, better white than burnt red.) Getting to Formosa Fun Park required an hour long bus ride, which I enjoyed because we got to see more of the Taiwanese "countryside" (I don't really know what to call it, but its outside of Taipei.) Anyways, the views were borderline breathtaking (see picture.) Our time with the kids at the water park was also very special. It was awesome to see all the kids with huge smiles on their faces as they went down all the different slides. (Side note: the views from some of the slides was incredible. Actually, the view looked a lot Seattle would if you were looking from the South toward the North. The green hills, the buildings, the water. Yup, all that from the top of a water slide.) Many of these kids have never been to a water park, so it was a happy day for them as well. When you spend eight hours a day with  someone, you will form a certain bond. That bond only strengthened after going on the trip, possibly cause we just hung out with them (no teaching or anything). I think after today, on a scale out of ten for how comfortable they are with us, I think they've hit an eight. We'll all remember this day for a long time; the conversions, the jokes, and the laughs that we shared together.

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