Saturday, July 28, 2012

Waiting for the End

(Thanks Linkin Park for the help)
These last few days have been kinda weird, at least for me. It's been weird because I know in the back of my head that in a few days, I'll be back home, leaving one world and going to the next. Boy, two weeks go by quickly. Wasn't it just yesterday that I looked up at the towering Taipei 101? Can it really be two weeks since I felt a bit intimidated when first meeting these kids? Savor your time here in Taiwan, who knows when you'll come back. Cherish your time with the kids, you may never see them again. Yeah, so that feeling is kinda weird. The feeling of grabbing onto a fleeting moment. Holding on to what you haven't got. It's mixed feelings cause we get to go home and all of the loved ones we've missed. We get to go home 70 degree weather (or 60 degrees haha). We get to sleep in, and not have to apply sun screen and bug spray every morning. But honestly, I bet that most of us kids would be willing to trade all that for another week with these kids. When coming to Taiwan, I didn't really have many expectations. And I wasn't really sure about what to make of the kids? Living in Taipei for the past two weeks has been a joy. But the real thrill came from being at Ai-Hsin. When I think about Taiwan, sure, I'll think about convenient shopping or the cheap food. Yeah, I'll remember the amazing views and the memorable heat. But ultimately, it'll going to be about them. About how we played hours of ball with F.K. and Terry and Bee and Ian. It'll be about the craft times we shared together in the children's center and how it would fill up with laughter and smiles. About the lunches we had together everyday. Yeah, we'll all remember how we hung out at the Orphanage Olympics and at 八仙 water park. Holding on to all these memories, it's hard to say goodbye.-宫昳男

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