Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 3

Even though today is technically our second day at the orphanage, it was our first "real day". I mean that today was the first day that we did our worship songs, VBS, and English teaching. At the start of our worship songs, I was, uh, having thoughts. I saw a couple of high school boys that I hadn't seen, and they didn't seem like quite the guys who were going to sing. Maybe it was just me, but I felt like they were really watching how we were going to lead worship. Are they really into it, or are they just faking it? Its hard to fake genuine. Our team responded well and we were pretty convincing in our motions, and especially the dancing and rapping. We split into our VBS groups, and for my group, it was me, Jennifer Ai-yi, Uncle Ray, and Emily. Our kids were a mix of high school boys and girls, of, well can't really say number cause some of the kids kept leaving. Lets say about 5 or 6 on average. I knew most of the kids, but there were a couple of new kids, so we asked them for their names. One of them decided to name himself F.K. (yeah, it stands for that), which the teacher says stands for Frank (yeah, okay...). And another one called himself Q.U., which is a pun on "kill you". Yup. Anyways, I wasn't expecting too much out of this group's guys, but actually they were the top participants in both VBS and English. Their English level is about what we expected of them, maybe a little better.
You should know that these boys like to play basketball. We ended up playing a 5 on 5, full court game.    And remember F.K.? He's a baller; he ain't no Zach LaVine, but he's was the best one on the court. F.K. actually turned out to be a friendly guy; all the kids follow his lead. I think he's the type of kid who seems like he's only goofing off, but actually pays attention. So it goes to show, don't judge too early. In terms of prayer, I believe that these kids are warming up to us. But can we make an impact on a deeper level?

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